Escapades Issue 04
Roommates, best friends and more(!); The Exhilarating Escapades of Wossername and Aeria!
Wossy and Aeria find themselves on the bad side of a web witch! Will they be granted mercy, or is this the end for our beloved damselflies!? Stick around!
* 25 comic pages (21 in full colour, 4 in greyscale) (PNG files at 1280x1920 resolution) plus a textless version of the front cover
* 3 pages of bonus sketches and designs
* Guest pin-up (plus gag and blindfold alts) from psudolewd
* A personal thank-you message from Wossy
* A transcript of the comic's dialogue in a .txt file, you can paste this into an online translator if English is not your native language
Please be advised that this is a story-heavy issue with lots of dialogue!
A 79mb zip file containing 35 png files at 1280x1980 resolution and a txt file